Tuesday, November 16, 2010

30 Days of grateFULness (day 21)

It has been a busy day, but I accomplished a lot... so that makes it a good day!  On day 21... I am grateFUL for the things I was able to accomplish today.  Not everything went favorably, but that is okay... I will deal with it and like the bookmark below says, "All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today."  There maybe "flowers" tomorrow. *Ü*

Okay, so here is the rest of my story from yesterday... the pilot made an alarming announcement that we would be landing at Detroit Metro Airport instead of Detroit City due to freezing rain, he said the City Airport had shorter runways and they were afraid the plane would slide off the end. Ok, now you have my total attention! I was a little shaken and started to silently pray, but I knew all would be okay. As the plane attempted to land… the closer we got to the ground the windier it was… it was like being on a rollercoaster… weaving and tipping and tossing back and forth. We got within a couple hundred feet of landing and all of a sudden we took off again with full throttle, or what seemed like full throttle. Again, the pilot made an announcement, saying we had to take off again because of massive wind shears… so we were to circle for awhile until the wind died down… we circled for what seemed to be forever… when the pilot’s voice once again came over the speaker… this time he said we were running short on fuel and we had to land no matter what. The flight staff prepared us as good as they could, but I was really scared… being all alone and so new at flying. The gentleman sitting next to me calmly folded his newspaper, and started to speak words of assurance to me. He reached over and held my hand, the whole time speaking words of comfort to me. It was a landing like I could never imagine and hope I never experience again, but this man, that I know God had set next to me, brought me such peace. As we unloaded the plane he said he would find me at baggage to help me and to keep an eye on me. I looked for him, but I never saw him again… it was like he vanished. I don’t know this man’s name… I probably would have a hard time even giving a description of him… what I do know and believe is that at that very moment, when I needed that human connection… he was my angel… an angel sent from God.

Since then I have thought many times about the verses, Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” I like to believe this might have been my one time I actually saw my guardian angel. Farther in that same chapter is this verse, “So we may boldly say: ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’” Hebrews 13:6 The Lord helped me that day by giving me this man to help me on that specific day… whether he was really a celestial being or not… he was sent from my Heavenly Papa to comfort me in that moment.

with a grateFUL HEART, carin


Anonymous said...

I loved the ending of his story.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing.(or not -knowing our Daddy)!
