Thursday, August 4, 2011


I was reading in Joshua 1 a couple days ago, and while I read this verse where God was talking to Joshua,Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.” (1:3)  I was seeing how God allows every step I take.  He has promised to be with me every step of the way… just like He promised Joshua and the children of Israel.
“Be happy with what you have because God has said, “I will never abandon you or leave you.” Hebrews 13:5b 
Am I really aware of that fact at all times? Do I take that promise for granted?  I liked to play Hopscotch when I was a kid… I would toss the stone on the Hopscotch area to see what spot it would land on… that would determine where I could hop and where I couldn’t hop.  I wonder, do I “play” my life out like a game of Hopscotch at times? Do I carelessly pitch a “stone” out there in my life and wait to see where it will land to determine where I will or will not go?  Is that living my life with strength and courage (Deuteronomy31:6)?  Is that living my life with purpose?
When you make a mistake or you forget to do something important… do you ever say, “I didn’t do it on purpose”?  Of course you didn’t do it on purpose, but did you do it with purpose?   God has given us a gift of life and an even greater Gift of eternal life through Christ… am I doing my best with what He has given me?  I pray for guidance from God to live my life with purpose on purpose! 
A good life can just happen, but a GREAT life must be lived on purpose!
Simple Summer moment... big ole' frog taking a dip in our pond.
with a grateFUL HEART, carin

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