Tuesday, September 14, 2010


While reading my devotions this morning I was reminded about something from when I was a kid.  I remember when a bird had gotten in the house… it came in by accident and then it couldn’t find the way out. That bird kept flying to the windows thinking it looked like the way out, but all it was doing was batting itself against the window pane. It seemed like a good option of escape, but of course it wasn’t. We tried to push this poor, scared bird towards the opened door which would have led it to freedom, but in its panic it just didn’t understand that.

That made me think of how we as humans get ourselves into places or situations that we have no right being in and then we look for a way of escape. God’s Plan has given us all a way of escape but so many times we choose not to follow His plan. We think we can do it on our own and what we do is just bat ourselves against the “window pane” which in turn causes pain and anxiety. God has an open door for all to come to Him… He waits with open arms. All we have to do is run to Him and surrender our ideas to His divine Plan. It is in His arms we find true freedom.

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Luke 11:19

My hubby just got back from Quest, (it is the male equivalent of Heart Quest, which I attended in April). Five and a half days with Father God and no distractions... which means no phones, so I missed him so bad, but I knew God was doing awesome things in him while he was gone.  I made this card/mini album and sent it along with him as a surprise for while he was gone... I didn't want him to forget me *Ü*.

I love that picture labeled "Precious"... that is us taking communion together on the church property before the church was built... it means so much to me to have this picture. There are so many times those precious, intimate moments are never recorded in a picture.  I thank my friend, Vickie, for capturing this moment. Can you tell I adore my hubby? I am awestruck by God's goodness in my life.

Hope you have a blessed day and thank you for stopping.
with a grateFUL HEART, carin

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