Saturday, March 21, 2009

50/50 or 100/100?

I woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground & more coming down... we had lost pretty much all our snow last week... this would be pretty if it was November... not March! I'm not complaining though!
Here is a notebook I did for taking sermon notes... I can't just have a plain, un-embelished notebook for that... the composition books are great for note taking... but oh so dull... so I jazzed it up a bit... what do you think?
We get a couple devotional everyday via email... something that it said today made me feel like sharing this... I don't know about you, but when Luke & I got married I was under the impression it should be a 50/50 thing... give & take... 50/50. I had expectations of how the relationship should work... meeting halfway... it isn't just with marriage either... it can spread to any of your relationships with family & friends. It didn't take long before I realized doing 50/50 puts conditions on our love for the other person, which leads to disappointment... 50/50 says "I'll do my part & you do your part"... it bases love on performance. We are more concerned with what the other person is giving rather than what we are giving. How could I ever judge what is my 50% or Luke's 50%... when I look at it like that I am just basing it all on my feelings... love isn't a feeling... I think it's an action... it's a choice. Like the choice God made when He sent His Son to die for me... He has always & will always give me 100%... because truthfully, I know I never even deserve 10% of His love... yet He gives me 100 percent.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

I challenge you to try & change your marriage relationship to 100/100... in fact try it with all your relationships... even the relative you really can't stand... not saying it is easy... and truthfully it will never be 100/100... somedays it might be 80/100 or 75/100... we are human... it gives me a goal to strive for each day.
with a grateFUL HEART, carin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is your title for the NOFL message. 50/50 or 100/100? I am waiting for you to speak - you have such good things to say. I love your notebook. The snow - not so much. See you tomorrow. Love you - Sharon