I was reading in Numbers 20 this morning about Moses losing patience with the children of Israel , when they came to him once again complaining about the lack of water. Out of Moses’ frustration he didn’t listen close enough to what God told him. Instead of speaking to the rock as God told him to do, he hit the rock. God still gave the water but Moses had consequences to pay for disobedience.
For the past few months I had been going through a difficult circumstance. When I would pray on it the answer I kept hearing was, “not now, wait.” It was hard for me to do that… I wanted so badly to make things seem “normal” again, but what I had to do was just be patient. I cried many times… I was frustrated many times… but I knew that through this trying time, if I was just patient it would be so worth it. Just over a week ago, God showed me that it was time, and I reached out to turn things around. The waiting period was so hard, but the end of that waiting period is so sweet. Now that I am on the other side of this and onto a new improved chapter… it has taught me not only patience, but that the people in my life mean more to me now than ever before. God, I thank You for putting wonderful women in my life and I thank You for strengthening me through the waiting.